ReactiveModel Configuration Documentation

Setting General Configurations

The ReactiveConfig class in ReactiveModel allows you to set global configurations that will be applicable for all instances of ReactiveModel. This can be particularly useful for setting up a default or custom adapter for handling data serialization/deserialization.

Importing the Settings Module

To access the ReactiveConfig class, you should import it from the package as follows:

import { ReactiveConfig } from '@beyond-js/reactive/settings';



This interface outlines the required methods for a custom adapter.

interface IResponseAdapter {
	toClient: (data: any) => any;
	fromRemote: (data: any) => any;
	fromRemoteList?: (data: any) => any;
  • toClient: Transforms data to be sent to the client.

  • fromRemote: Transforms single-item data received from remote API.

  • fromRemoteList: Transforms list data received from remote API.


This interface outlines the structure of the configuration object.

type TCustomAdapter = new () => IResponseAdapter;

export interface IConfig {
	adapter: 'legacy' | 'default' | TCustomAdapter;
  • adapter: Specifies which adapter to use ('legacy', 'default', or a custom adapter class).

Class Structure

export class ReactiveConfig {
	static #config: IConfig;
	static adapter = 'legacy';

	static set(config: IConfig) {
		this.#config = config;
		const properties = Object.keys(config);
		properties.forEach(property => {
			ReactiveConfig[property] = config[property];


To set the configuration, you can use the set method of ReactiveConfig. The set method takes an object conforming to the IConfig interface.

	adapter: 'default',

or with a custom adapter:

class CustomAdapter implements IResponseAdapter {
	/* implementations */

	adapter: CustomAdapter,

This will apply the configurations globally across all instances of ReactiveModel.


Using the ReactiveConfig class to set global configurations provides a centralized way to manage important aspects of your ReactiveModel instances.

Last updated