Create Custom Adapter


Creating a custom adapter allows you to define your own logic for data serialization/deserialization, giving you more control and flexibility over how data is handled in your ReactiveModel instances.

Steps to Create a Custom Adapter

1. Implement the IResponseAdapter Interface

First, create a new class that implements the IResponseAdapter interface:

class MyCustomAdapter implements IResponseAdapter {
	toClient(data: any): any {
		// Transform data to client format
		return data;

	fromRemote(data: any): any {
		// Transform data received from remote API
		return data;

	fromRemoteList(data: any): any {
		// Transform list data received from remote API
		return data;

2. Use the Custom Adapter

Global Scope

To set the custom adapter as the default for all instances:

import { ReactiveConfig } from '@beyond-js/reactive/settings';

	adapter: MyCustomAdapter,

Per Instance Scope

To use the custom adapter for specific Item or Collection instances:

class CustomItem extends Item {
	constructor(specs) {
		super({ ...specs, adapter: MyCustomAdapter });

class CustomCollection extends Collection {
	constructor(specs) {
		super({ ...specs, adapter: MyCustomAdapter });

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