ReactiveModel extends the Events class from @beyond-js/events/events package and makes use of the Observable pattern to notify subscribers whenever a change is made to the model's properties. It's designed to handle various stages of data processing, such as fetching, processing, and loading states.
How it works
ReactiveModel is a class that allows you to create reactive objects that can be observed for changes. It can be used in any JavaScript environment and is agnostic to any framework.
Installation To install ReactiveModel, you can use your favorite package manager. For example, with npm:
To create a new ReactiveModel
, simply instantiate the class with the desired properties:
Working with Reactive Properties
You can also use the @reactiveProps
decorator to automatically create reactive properties:
Setting and Getting Properties
You can use the set method to set the value of one or more properties:
And you can use the getProperties method to get all the properties of the model:
This class is an abstract one. Meaning it should be extended before being used. All boolean properties in the class (fetching, fetched, processing, processed, loaded, ready) represent different states of data handling and processing. Users can use the state that suits their needs while processing data.
constructor(initialValues?: T)
Creates a new ReactiveModel instance with the initial values.
set(property: keyof T, value: T[keyof T]): void
Sets the value of a property and triggers a change event if the value has changed.
get(property: keyof T): T[keyof T]
Gets the value of a property.
getProperties(): Record<string, any>
Returns an object with all the reactive properties and their current values.
on(event: string, listener: ListenerFunction, priority?: number): this
Binds an event handler to an event name.
off(event: string, listener: ListenerFunction, force?: number): this
Unbinds an event listener.
trigger(event: Trigger, any[]): any
Triggers an event.
destroy(): void
Destroys the ReactiveModel instance and clears all listeners.
Last updated